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Clinical Trials and Development of New Medicines in UK

By | UK Pharma | No Comments

According to the publication Clinical Trials in the United Kingdom from the Department of Health, a report providing a synopsis of development being made by the UK and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) in England to make  UK a leading destination for clinical trials.

This is the tremendous development as the results from clinical research offer imperative substantiation and verification that are basically required for new medicines to be licensed. These trials also help to give more and more access to the latest medicines for patients across the NHS.

According to this report the patients in UK are in a good position within Europe for opportunities to take part in clinical research and ultimately take advantage of health outcomes. According to the research, UK is the top country in Europe for phase 1 clinical trial, is breaking at the heels of Germany for phase 2 clinical trials, and is third behind Germany and Spain for phasing 3 clinical trials.

Dated: 24th March 2016
