Ibuprofen Could Reduce Smokers’ Risk of Death from Lung Cancer

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Ibuprofen is a medicine usually used to decrease pain and infection, but according to a new study the medicine may also decrease the risk of death from lung cancer among previous and existing smokers.

Study co-author Dr. Marisa Bittoni, of The Ohio State University, and colleagues recently presented their findings at the IASLC 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) in Vienna, Austria.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who smoke are 15-30 times more likely to develop lung cancer or die from the disease than nonsmokers.

Previous studies have shown that chronic inflammation is associated with increased risk of lung cancer. Since ibuprofen is a medication that reduces inflammation, Dr. Bittoni and colleagues set out to investigate whether the drug might benefit people with a history of smoking

  • Ibuprofen reduced lung cancer death risk by 48 percent

To reach their findings, the team analyzed the data of 10,735 adults who were part of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), enrolling between 1988-1994.

Fast facts about smoking

  • Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide
  • People who smoke die an average of 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.

Subjects’ smoking status, use of ibuprofen and other no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and information on other lifestyle factors were gathered at study baseline.

Participants were followed-up for an average of 18 years, and the researchers pinpointed their cause-specific mortality status using data from the National Death Index up until 2006.

The researchers used Cox proportional hazards lapse models to estimate how NSAID use was associated with the risk of lung cancer death.

During follow-up, 269 of the participants died from lung cancer, of whom 252 had a history of smoking.

Because the vast majority of lung cancer cases were among past or current smokers, the team also calculated the effects of NSAIDs in a further sample of 5,882 adults with a history of smoking.

Overall, the team found that former or current smokers who regularly used ibuprofen were 48 percent less likely to die from lung cancer than those who did not use the drug.

The link between lung cancer death risk and the use of aspirin – another common NSAID – was not statistically significant, the authors report.

Quitting smoking and adopting a healthy lifestyle remain the best ways to lower lung cancer risk. However, Dr. Bittoni and colleagues believe their findings suggest regular ibuprofen use might be appreciated for some people.

Dated: 12th December, 2016


Patients Lack Knowledge on How To Report Adverse Drug Reactions

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According to research published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, lack of awareness about reporting systems for drug reactions (ADRs) and confusion about how they work are preventing patients from informing medicines safety regulators when something goes wrong.

The patients who do log a report say preventing other patients from having a similar experience and improving medicines safety and health care professional practice are amongst the reasons why they take action.

The results monitor a methodical review of 21 studies published between 2008 and 2014 that consider patient obstructions to reporting ADRs, their perceptions of the current reporting systems and the factors which influence whether they make an official report.

According to the research increasing patient familiarity and providing clear reporting processes, reporting systems could better achieve patients reporting of adverse drug reactions.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the UK’s medicines safety regulator, agrees that some patients are dissuaded from reporting ADRs through its official Yellow Card system.

Dated: 25th November 2016


The New Changes for Betterment

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The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) issued draft guidance this week reversing its earlier position on Nucala thanks to a price cut and new data on cost-effectiveness succumbed by GSK.

Patients in the UK with asthma are on progression to receive treatment with GlaxoSmithKline’s recently approved Nucala drug.

According to final draft, Nucala can be used as an add-on therapy for treating severe obstinate eosinophilia asthma in adults, provided they have blood eosinophil counts of 300 cells/mL or more and have at least four breakthrough asthma attacks in the last 12 months or have been on continuous oral corticosteroids for six months.

The endorsements also call for treatment with the drug to be stopped after 12 months if there is no substantial development in asthma attacks or the need for corticosteroids.

According to Prof Carole Longson, director of NICE’s centre for health technology evaluation, “Adults with severe asthma have had partial treatment options and most of them end up taking oral corticosteroids for prolonged periods which can cause further problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and mood swings.”

Nucala was the first in a new class of interleukin-5 (IL-5) inhibitors to be accepted for marketing, getting a green light from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) a year ago. There are thought to be around 100,000 people in the UK who have hysterical asthma. Nucala is anticipated to value from its first-to-market status, with analysts at Credit Suisse predicting sales of $1.54bn in 2020 given the seriousness of uncontrolled asthma. Its dosing – by subcutaneous injection every four weeks – is seen as an advantage over Cinqaero, which has to be delivered intravenously.

Stalling the activity of IL-5 dampens down the activity of eosinophil, a provocative cell known to play an significant role in the asthma disease process. Nucala’s list price in the UK is £840 per dose, but the discount provided to the National Health Service (NHS) is not revealed.

Dated: December 1st 2016


PM Announces £2bn Boon for UK R & D

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Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that UK research and development will be given an extra £2 billion a year by the end of this parliament. The real terms increase in government investment for R&D will guarantee that British business remains at the cutting edge of scientific and technological sighting to capitalize on the sector’s potential.

It is expected that this will help to make sure that original products developed in the UK are also commercialized here.

It is also announced that a new Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, overseen by UK Research and Innovation, that will back precedence technologies such as AI, robotics and biotechnology.

According to Research demonstrations each £1 spent on R&D tax credits presently stimulates between £1.53 and £2.35 of additional investment in the UK, but the HM Treasury will look at whether this provision can be made even more operative to energetically boost innovation.

Mike Thompson, chief executive of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, said the extra £2 billion a year funding for the sector “a hugely welcome and will be well received by everybody involved in UK life-sciences.”

For encouraging these steps, NHS has the infrastructure to become the go-to place for companies to research, develop and use new medicines,” while “the next wave of medical technologies has the potential to bring investment, highly capable jobs and improved healthcare for patients.

Dated: 22nd November 2016


Patients with Mouth Cancer May Come To Pharmacy for Help

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Mouth cancer is one of a very small number of cancers which are on the rise. In the UK, cases have increased by 39% in the last decade and by 92% since the 1970s. According to Oral Health Foundation, Unfortunately, survival rates have not improved in the last 20 years either, that is why it is vitally important that everyone is more Mouth aware.

Pharmacists are being commended to be responsive to the patients coming in with possible symptoms of mouth cancer after it occurred that one in ten would show these symptoms to their pharmacist over a dentist or doctor.

A research was directed by the Oral Health Foundation as part of Mouth Cancer Action Month. According to Dr Nigel Carter OBE, CEO of the Oral Health Foundation, “Rather than advising a topical ulcer remedy, which could just mask the symptoms, it is important that pharmacy staff recognize that this could potentially be a sign of mouth cancer.”

The most common symptoms of mouth cancer to be shown to a pharmacist is a mouth ulcer that does not heal within two to three weeks and red or white patches in a person’s mouth and any unusual lumps or bumps around their head or neck. Early diagnosis transforms a person’s chances of beating the disease from 50 per cent to 90 percent.


Date: November 11, 2016



‘Non-Lump’ Symptoms In 17 Percent of Breast Cancers

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According to a research from University College London, the first symptoms that present are not a lump in the breast about 17% breast cancer. These findings are presented at the 2016 National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer conference in Liverpool. According to the results, women with non-lump symptoms of breast cancer are most probably go to a delay because of no clear symptom found.

At present more than 53,600 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and the earlier the detection the better the chance of survival.

Monica Koo, presenting author based at UCL said that, “Our research shows around one in six women diagnosed with breast cancer have symptoms other than a breast lump, these women are more likely to delay going to the doctor as compare to women with breast lump alone”. Now it’s very important that every woman should aware that a lump is not the only symptom of breast cancer”.

Others possible symptoms of the disease include:

  • Nipple abnormalities
  • Breast pain,
  • Skin abnormalities
  • Ulceration
  • Shape abnormalities
  • Infected or inflamed breast

Experts are now calling for campaigns to raise awareness of all symptoms of the disease because according to Dr Karen Kennedy, Director of the NCRI, it’s essential that breast cancer should be diagnosed as early as possible so that a treatment plan can be settled and started”.

Date: 8th November 2016


Pharmaceutical Academic Career

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The career in academia gives the opportunity to publish research and in this way encourage potential members of the career. Teaching and research-led career progression is possible within universities and other institutions, while pharmacists can still spend more than half their time practicing in hospitals, industry or the community. There are some requirements and deliberations for pharmacists reflecting t the conversion to academia.

Working in academia permits pharmacists to teach and motivate the next generation of healthcare professionals.

According to Margaret Culshaw, deputy head of pharmacy at the University of Huddersfield,  “When people move from the NHS to academia it can be a culture shock because things are less planned. It’s not something you do for the money but for the job satisfaction”.

Date: November 1st 2016


Watchdog to Investigate Drug Companies that Charge NHS ‘Extreme Prices’

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The competition supervisory body has commenced an inquiry into drug companies alleged of charging the NHS too much prices. The company who has broken the law could face fines of up to 10% of its international earnings.

The investigation relates to suspected unfair pricing by way of charging excessive prices in the supply of certain pharmaceutical products, including to the National Health Service.

The pharmaceutical company Concordia International has revealed that it is part of the inquiry that the Competition and Markets Authority would not disclose how many companies were caught up in the inquiry into suspected undue pricing.

The CMA inquiry into suspected breaches of competition law was commenced on 25 October 2016 and will gather preliminary proof before a decision is made as to whether or not to carry on further by February 2017.

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt called for the CMA to investigate in June 2016 after an investigation by The Times asserted companies were breaking off the NHS by buying the rights to old drugs and dropping existing brand names. The information about the case, set out on the CMA website, states: “The investigation is under Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998 (CA98) and Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

Date: 27th October 2016


UK’s Drug Discovery Prospective at Risk, Warns Industry Body

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According to a report commissioned by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), the membership organization for UK drug manufacturers, Drug manufacturers in the UK are progressively more working in corporation to develop new medicines as companies move away from the traditional model of in-house research and development.

 According to report, ‘The changing UK drug discovery landscape’, published on 17 October 60% of large biopharmaceutical companies have improved their investment in outsourcing and mutual working with other companies across the sector over the past decade so working with academic circles, medical research charities and bio-tech companies is showing considerable results such as manufacturing new drugs, including immune therapies for the treatment of cancer and others for Alzheimer’s disease.

The report’s findings were based on the results of a survey of 70 organizations as well as interviews with senior drug discovery experts.

But at the same time UK’s drug discovery potential is at risk from competition overseas, where more money is being spent on research and development sector because many organizations generally large firms reported a larger boost in their worldwide discovery investment than that in the UK.

 UK needs to consider how it can best uphold its position as a central player in a vibrant international discovery landscape.

Date: 19th October 2016


New Medicine for Rare, Chronic Liver Disease

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The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has suggested conceding a provisional marketing approval in the European Union (EU) to Ocaliva (obeticholic acid) for the treatment of patients with major biliary cholangitis. Conditional approval is one of EMA’s main actions to make easy earlier access by patients to medicines that fulfill unmet medical needs. It permits the Agency to suggest a medicine for marketing authorization before the availability of confirmatory clinical trial data.

This is to be used in combination with another medicine, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), in patients who have not responded sufficiently to UDCA, or on its own in adults who are not able to bear treatment with UDCA.

Primary biliary cholangitis is a uncommon and life-threatening disease that causes the steady devastation of the small bile ducts in the liver. These ducts transport fluid called bile from the liver towards the intestines where it is used to help digest fats. Due to the destruction of the ducts, bile builds up in the liver causing damage that may lead to liver cancer.

There are few treatments available for patients with primary biliary cholangitis such as:

  • Liver transplantation can considerably get better a patient’s chance of survival; however this is a long and intricate operation only suitable for patients who have advanced liver disease.
  • UDCA is the only medicine currently approved to treat primary biliary cholangitis, but up to half of all patients treated with UDCA either fail to respond to the medicine or experience partial benefits. There is therefore a clear unmet medical need for these patients, as well as for patients who are unable to tolerate treatment with UDCA.

The protection and effectiveness of Ocaliva were verified in a phase III study with 216 participants. After 12 months, the amount of patients achieving reductions in levels of their alkaline phosphates was higher in patients treated with Ocaliva.

The most frequent side effects observed with Ocaliva were itching of the skin and weakness.

As part of the conditional marketing authorization, the applicant for Ocaliva has to provide results from two studies. Until availability of full data, the CHMP will review the benefits and risks of Ocaliva yearly to determine whether the conditional marketing authorization can be maintained.

The opinion by the CHMP at its October 2016 meeting is an intermediary step on Ocaliva’s path to patient access. The CHMP opinion will now be sent to the European Commission for the acceptance of a decision on an EU-wide marketing authorization. Once a marketing authorization has been settled, a decision on price and reimbursement will then take place at the level of each Member State considering the possible role in the circumstance of the national health system of that country.

Date: 14/10/2016
